Packaged Drinking Water Wholesale Supplier for Corporates
The covid pandemic era in 2020 has stopped the country maliciously. During the lockdown period every business was closed as per the government policy against covid prevention. The travel business was also closed during this period as no passengers were allowed for domestic and international border crossing. It has hit the Indian economy badly but on the other side safeguards many people from the deadly virus. Though, during the lockdown time, we were free as our Green Cabs were parked in the garages. We wanted to serve the humanity with the best possible efforts, so at that time Travel Team India has introduced Aadishakti Enterprises.
We have brought this concept into implementation by introducing the Shree Ganga package drinking water. It is the pure Gangajal that we brought directly from the Gangotri Valley to serve humanity with fresh and safe water. There is no doubt to state that the water of River Ganga has holy blessings. It has natural power to fight against the disease causing bacteria. So, we have established Aadishakti Enterprises to let people discover the pure water to drink at affordable prices. They can stay healthy and hydrated by drinking this water and can get natural immune system against the spread of corona and other viruses.
What makes Shree Ganga a great drinking water packaging?• When it comes to analyzing the purity of Ganga, it stands first among all the rivers that are flowing in India. The Ganga River has 25 times more oxygen than other rivers therefore drinking water from the holy “Gange” could lead to several health benefits.
• It is a real fact that the water of Ganga River is pure. It has been blessed by the almighty lord Brahma that makes it a holy river. People use the water of Ganga for spiritual and religious beliefs and traditions throughout the nation. Moreover, people from other regions and countries also believe in the purity of Ganga.
• It has natural contents that can fight against the virus and bacteria in the body. It is not a myth but a proven reality. A scientist from the Great Britain known as Ernest Hankin has proved in the year 1896 that the water of Ganga has antibacterial properties. So, drinking it could lead to elimination of hazardous body contaminate considerably. Regular use of our Shree Ganga drinking water can help you build natural immunity against diseases.
• Shree Ganga drinking water contains natural herbs and minerals since it has derived from Gangotri Valley that is located in the lap of Mother Nature. It flows through many blessed places that have natural healing properties.
We at Travel Team India now offer Shree Ganga packaged drinking water absolutely free to our passengers. We serve them with this pure water by keeping the bottles inside our Green Cabs. It gives us immense happiness and satisfaction that we are serving the humanity by providing safe travel services and clean drinking water. We are continuously striving to serve our clients with the best in class travel support.
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